PolyGraphs Public Engagement Events
The PolyGraphs team hosted a pair of workshops under its public engagement award. Information is available on this site about workshop 1: structures and workshop 2: strategies. Check out the videos and animations included on those pages, and feel free to give us some feedback via the surveys.
Human and Network Sciences: Graph Computing for Humanities and Social Science Research
PI Brian Ball was awarded a talent development award from the British Academy with co-I Giovanni Petri for a project on Human and Network Sciences.
As part of that project, NU London will host a bootcamp for doctoral students and early career researchers from October 14-16, 2024 dedicated to showing why and how graph computing can be useful to humanities and social science researchers, followed by a showcase research event in this same area on October 17-18, 2024.
Attendance at each of these events is free, though registration is required (for the bootcamp and the showcase separately). Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
A limited number of bursaries are available to cover travel costs for research students wishing to participate in the bootcamp. Interested parties will need to submit a statement of interest accompanied by a short CV via this form by noon on the 10th of October.
Below are provisional schedules for each of these two events.
October 14, 2024
Session 1 (10am-1pm): Python and PolyGraphs
Session 2 (2pm-5pm): Network Structure
October 15, 2024
Session 1 (10am-1pm): Network Dynamics
Session 2 (2pm-5pm): Temporal Networks
October 16, 2024
Session 1 (10am-1pm): Adaptive Networks
Session 2 (2pm-5pm): Data Analysis
Showcase Programme (Devon House, E1W 1JP, rooms 224/226)
October 17, 2024
10am – 11am Keynote 1: Francesca Toni (Imperial), ‘AI: Explain Yourself!’
11am – 11.30am Coffee break
11.30am – 12pm Talk 1: David Freeborn (NUL), ‘Multibelief Networks for Modeling Polarisation’
12 – 12.30pm Talk 2: Federica Imbriale (NUL), ‘Modeling Fact-Checking with PolyGraphs’
12:pm-2pm Lunch
2pm – 3pm Keynote 2: Charles Rathkopf (UBonn), ‘Hallucination, Justification, and the Role of Generative AI in Science’
3 – 3.30pm coffee break
3.30-4pm: Talk 3: Iacopo Iacopini (NUL), ‘Modeling Group Interaction Dynamics in Social Systems’
4pm – 5pm Keynote 3: Chris Riedl (NetSI, NU), ‘How Networks Shape Collective Intelligence’
October 18th
10am – 11am Keynote 4: Gianmarco de Francisci Morales (CENTAI), ‘Echo Chambers on Social Media’
11am – 11.30am Coffee break
11.30am – 12pm Talk 4: Andrea Baronchelli (City), ‘Climate Action vs Climate Polarization: The Social Media Challenge’
12 – 12.30pm Talk 5: Nicola Perra (QMUL), ‘Modeling the Spreading of Infectious Diseases in the Era of Network and Data Science’
12:30pm-2pm Lunch
2pm – 2.30pm Talk 6: Amil Mohanan (NUL)
2.30pm – 3pm Talk 7: Peter West (NUL), ‘New Digital Methods for Understanding the Impacts of Early Women Writers on the Development of Science and Philosophy’
3pm – 4pm Keynote 5: Jessica M Otis (George Mason University), ‘Big Data and Digital History’