Our team

Brian Ball
Brian Ball is Head of Faculty in Philosophy at Northeastern University London. A Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, he was previously a Lecturer in Philosophy at St. Anne’s and then Balliol College, Oxford. His expertise is in the theory of knowledge, the philosophy of mind, and the philosophy of language. His recent work engages with computer science and artificial intelligence.
Principal Investigator

Alexandros Koliousis
Alexandros Koliousis is an Associate Professor in computer science at Northeastern University London and a Senior Faculty Research Scientist at the Northeastern’s Institute for Experiential AI (EAI). He works on the design and implementation of scalable AI systems. Koliousis has worked on high-performance data-parallel multi-GPU processing systems in the areas of deep learning and data stream processing. He has also researched topics including efficient natural language processing in hardware and complex event processing for network and system management.
Computer Science

Mike Peacey
Mike Peacey is a Senior Lecturer in economics at the University of Bristol. He is a microeconomic theorist with an interest in modelling a diverse range of real-world situations. For example, higher education markets, regulation of betting exchanges, and social media and misinformation.

Amil Mohanan
Amil Mohanan is an Assistant Professor in Philosophy at Northeastern University London. He received his PhD in Geography at University College London in 2015 researching computer networks and governmentality. Amil has previously held research roles at The Open University and Loughborough University where he studied Financialization and the Geographies of Higher Education.
Research Project Team
Geography and Data Science

Paolo Ciuccarelli
As the founding director of Northeastern’s Center for Design, Prof. Ciuccarelli works with researchers and organizations to create and deploy design solutions that synthesize information, improve communication, facilitate decision making, and inform public policy and society at large. He has published in leading journals and collaborated with organizations globally to integrate design and data into a wide range of disciplines, from health and technology to management.
Public Engagement Project Co-Investigator
Information Design

Todd Linkner
Todd Linker is a designer and educator with expertise in design research, information design, graphic design, and user experience design. He creates visual narratives and human interfaces for a wide range of mobile, desktop, and web-based platforms. He’s interested in design as a generative process for learning and imagining futures that realize a just, equitable, and healthy society.
Todd has worked for a variety of successful startup companies, national-scale design agencies, and nonprofits. Before coming to Northeastern, Todd ran an independent digital product design studio. He holds an MFA in Information Design and Visualization from Northeastern University and a BFA in graphic design and printmaking from the University of Michigan.
Public Engagement Project Team
Information Design

Joli Holmes
Joli Holmes is an MFA candidate in Northeastern University’s Information Design and Data Visualization Program. Her background is in public policy and data analytics. Her research interests include using data to convey complex information for public consumption, mainly to help make decisions in public policy.
Public Engagement Project Team
Information Design